Create A New Account

Important: If you are a current AOA member, please login to receive member benefits, including reduced pricing in the Marketplace.

If you have ever been a member of AOA or AOSA or registered for a paraoptometric examination, your login credentials are still valid and you do not need to create an additional online account.

You may recover your username by entering your email address, or reset your password if you know your username.

* required field

Minimum of 6 characters, combination of letters and numbers

About Me



**Please click this button only once. Since your account request is being submitted it make take a moment for the process to complete. Thank you for your patience.**


If you are a current AOA member, please login to receive access to member benefits. If you have ever been a member of AOA or AOSA or registered for a paraoptometric examination, your login credentials are still valid and you do not need to create an additional online account. You may recover your username and password by using your email address.

Creating a new account does NOT grant access to:
Member benefits (including reduced pricing)
Paraoptometric & EyeLearn educational material
Advocacy content
Billing & Coding resources
Clinical Care resources

If you are unable to access your email account, please call 1-800-365-2219 and we will happily update your login information.

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