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  • Phone: Call 800.365.2219 to reach us via phone.

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American Optometric Association
243 N. Lindbergh Blvd. 
St. Louis, MO 63141-7881
Phone: 314.991.4100
Fax: 314.991.4101
American Optometric Association
1505 Prince Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314-2874
Phone: 703.739.9200
Fax: 703.739.9497
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When to consider referring for low-vision rehabilitation

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Bringing the optometric community together

The AOA announced its new Advocacy Network Partner Program and recognized Alan Glazier, O.D., the influential founder of ODs on Facebook, as its first advocacy network partner. Read more about the doctor of optometry behind the online community.

Cutting-edge education at Optometry’s Meeting® 2025 in Minneapolis

A global audience converges on the American Heartland for unmatched learning opportunities at Optometry’s Meeting®, June 25-28, in Minneapolis.

Some parts of our website will be briefly unavailable while we perform server maintenance Wednesday, February 19 at 3:30pm central. 

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