Eye and Vision Health Priority for Americans Underscored in American Optometric Association Sponsored Capitol Hill Briefing on World Sight Day

October 11, 2016

Media Contact:
Deirdre Middleton, 703.837.1347

ST. LOUIS - The American Optometric Association (AOA), co-sponsors of the recently released National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division (NASEM) consensus study, " Making Eye Health a Population Health Imperative: Vision for Tomorrow" will co-sponsor a luncheon briefing on World Sight Day on Thursday, October 13, 2016. The briefing will highlight the report's findings and recommendations to improve eye and vision health of Americans.  

"We will take every opportunity to raise the visibility of the findings of this report on Capitol Hill and further ignite the important national dialogue about the vision health improvements that must be made in our nation," says Andrea P. Thau, O.D., president of the AOA. "The AOA has put these recommendations to work to deliver quality, evidence-based care and we're willing to partner with all stakeholders to achieve the goals of the report. Elected officials and supporting agencies can help ensure that everyone has access to in-person comprehensive eye examinations and needed clinical eye care."

The National Academies have set a roadmap to improve the future of vision health and ensure that everyone in the U.S. has access to eye and vision care, a mission AOA has long championed. Scheduled panelists include:

  • Lori Grover, OD, PhD, Senior Vice President for Health Policy, King-Devick Test, Inc.
  • Eve Higginbotham, SM, MD, Vice Dean, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Meg McCoy, JD, MPH, Senior Program Officer, NASEM

In addition to the AOA, other sponsors of the briefing include Alliance for Eye and Vision Research, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Casey Eye Institute, Helen Keller International, International Eye Foundation, Lighthouse Guild, Lions Club International Foundation, Optometry Giving Sight, Prevent Blindness, Seva Foundation, VISION 2020 USA, and Vision Impact Institute. The briefing will be held at the Rayburn House Office Building, Room B-369 from noon to 1 p.m. For more information about the report and its recommendations, visit https://www.aoa.org/news/advocacy/preventable-vision-loss-unacceptable.  

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