Will you be an advocate for optometry?
AOA on Capitol Hill is the AOA's single-largest annual advocacy event in Washington, D.C., directly connecting optometry's advocates and leaders with our nation's policy leaders to advance optometric eye health and vision care for the benefit of all Americans. Our annual hill day is a key reason why the AOA is consistently recognized as one of the most effective, respected advocacy organizations in the nation's capital with hundreds of doctors, optometry students and affiliate leaders participating in this 3-day fly-in to deliver optometry's priorities.
AOA on Capitol Hill participation is open to all advocacy-minded AOA member doctors and students with plenary sessions, breakouts and briefings intended to prepare attendees to get involved in the advocacy fight for optometry's future. Additionally, attendees may have the opportunity, in close coordination with their affiliates, to participate in meetings with their members of Congress and staff.
What issues do optometry's advocates champion in Washington, D.C.?
'All the advocacy firepower' called up at AOA on Capitol Hill
Save the Date: AOA on Capitol Hill 2025
What fellow advocates have to say about AOA on Capitol Hill
"Building rapport with the congressmen, congresswomen and senators in our district allows us to educate them on what optometry does and helps them remember us when a piece of pro-optometry legislation comes across their desk. We need to make appointments locally with them through our state affiliates, and nationally through the AOA—the prime venue being AOA on Capitol Hill. At this meeting in April, hundreds of optometrists and optometry students will gather and meet with their legislators to educate them about our issues—including expanding our scope of practice, stopping planned Medicare cuts, ensuring our veterans have access to the full range of eye care they need, and fighting back against vision plan abuses. The more optometrists we have there connecting with their representatives, the more impact we will have garnering support for our issues, and the more likely we get optometry-friendly bills to pass. So please plan on attending this important event."
- Robert Theaker, O.D., AOA Federal Relations Committee member