- GL-Beyond Drops: Surgical Considerations in Glaucoma
- GL-Co-Management of Glaucoma Laser and MIGS Procedures
- GL-Drop the Drops: Glaucoma Treatment Options for Patients with OSD
- GL-First Line Glaucoma Treatment...What is It
- GL-Get To Know Your MIGS
- GL-Glaucoma Masqueraders
- GL-Now What?...My Patient is Progressing!
- GL-Ocular Surface Preservation for the Glaucoma Patient. Prevent Defense is the Best Offense.
- GL-Problem Solving in Glaucoma Management
- GL-Referral Center Rounds: Mysterious Reasons of Elevated IOP
- GL-The Angle Closure Spectrum Simplified
- GL-The Laser and Surgical Management of Glaucoma
- GL-The OD's Role in the Management of MIGS in 2022
- GL-The Secondary Glaucomas: From the OD and MD Perspective
- GL-Treating Glaucoma with Confidence
- GL-Utilizing OCT Technology to Differentiate Glaucoma Suspects from Early Manifest Disease
GL-Intracranial Pressure in Glaucoma
This course will discuss the pertinent relationship between intracranial pressure (ICP) and glaucoma. A better understanding of the relationship between pressure gradients surrounding the optic can perhaps help us answer the question: 'Why does a subgroup of our glaucoma patients continue to progress despite 'excellent' pressure control?' This course will walk our colleagues through the scientific rationale and exploration into the relevance of ICP and how this key finding can help us deliver better outcomes and improve the quality of life of a subgroup of our glaucoma patients in the future.
Course Code:
Ahmad Fahmy, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
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