
This course is a 2 hour workshop for hands-on diagnosis coding of clinical examples.  We will present cases, the attendees will attempt, either alone or in groups, to choose the proper diagnoses codes using the techniques and approaches learned in the 2 hour ICD-10-CM course that taught the various aspects of properly identifying ICD-10-CM codes. *This workshop requires pre-work to allow for a substantive hands-on experience*

  1. Download the April 2023 ICD-10-CM files from the CDC website and save to your laptop computer or Ipad. MAKE SURE YOU BRING THIS Device TO THE WORKSHOP.
  2. Read the ICD-10-CM guidelines, particularly the Section One, Chapter 4, Chapter 7, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20 and Chapter 21.
  3. Read ICD-10-CM Guidelines Sections 2, 3, 4
  4. Familiarize yourself with the Alphabetic Indices
  5. Familiarize yourself with the Tabular Listing
  6. Prepare to have challenging fun

Course Code:



Rebecca Wartman, O.D.

Harvey Richman, O.D.




AOA Expiration Date:


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