- GO-A Guide to Effectively Communicating Patient Education
- GO-Addressing Mental Health in the Classroom
- GO-Artificial Intelligence Friend or Foe
- GO-Beauty and Two Beasts. How to Have Conversations When You Know Nothing About Make-up and the Ocular Surface Health Beyond: See Make-up, Make-up Bad.
- GO-Chairside Skills for Laser Procedures
- GO-Clinical Grand Rounds
- GO-Fundamentals of Histology and Gross Anatomy for Optometric Surgeons
- GO-ICD-10-CM Interactive Workshop
- GO-Implementing Myopia Management into Practice
- GO-Innovations in Presbyopia
- GO-Introduction to Office Surgery for Optometric Surgeons
- GO-Keeping AI on the retina: A review of current state of artificial intelligence for retina disease, diagnosis, and prognosis
- GO-Let there be Light- a Modern Update
- GO-Makeup and the Eye: How Your Beauty Could Be Harming Your Eyes
- GO-Making The Right Call From Triage to Telehealth
- GO-Myopia Management: One Child at a Time (Translating theory into practice)
- GO-Ocular Urgencies and Emergencies ~ Are You Prepared?
- GO-Never Rare if in Your Chair-20 Rare Eye Conditions
- GO-Optometry 2.0. What Comprehensive Eye Care Means in 2023
- GO-Optometry and Research: Careers in Research, Funding Opportunities and the Role of The National Eye Institute
- GO-Our Transgender and Hormone Replacement Therapy Patients
- GO-Periocular Injections for Optometric Surgeons
- GO-Periocular Suturing for Optometric Surgeons
- GO-Population Aging & Optometric Service in Skilled Care Facilities
- GO-Population Aging and Optometric Service in Skilled Care Facilities - Part 2
- GO-Review of Commonly Used Eye Drops
- GO-Smart Phone Technology in Eye Care Practice – Do YOU Know What is Allowed?
- GO-Sports Vision Series Workshop: Establishing Sports Vision in Your Practice
- GO-Technology in the Vision Therapy Room
- GO-The Intersection of Psychology and Optometry
- GO-The Optometric Year in Review
- GO-Top 5 Myths of Myopia Management and How to Overcome Them
- GO-Triaging Ocular Urgencies and Emergencies
- GO-Twelve New Treatments in Eye Care That You Need to Know About
- GO-What About Them Bags Doc?!
GO-Utilizing New Technology in the Management of Ocular Disease
As the population ages, ocular disease increases. Today's busy clinicians are looking for effective and efficient diagnostic methods. Visual fields, retinal photos, and even conventional optical coherence tomographers (OCT's) are useful but often detect disease well into the disease state. Technologies such as electroretinography, dark adaptation and OCT angiography are often able to diagnose ocular disease much earlier in the disease state spectrum and are on the cusp of becoming mainstream. Join Dr. Mike Cymbor as he discusses his experiences with these latest technologies.
Course Code:
Mike Cymbor, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
Optometry’s ‘pioneers’ come together to advance the profession
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