- NO-An Evidence-Based Approach to Unilateral Optic Nerve Edema
- NO-Cervicogenic Eye Pain - When the Eye is a Pain in the Neck!
- NO-Developing a game plan for headaches and concussion protocol
- NO-Diving Deep into Concussions
- NO-ENT for the OD: Neuro-optometric Manifestations of Paranasal Sinus Disease
- NO-Is This Really Glaucoma?: Glaucoma Masqueraders Round-up
- NO-Mechanisms of Traumatic Brain Injury
- NO-Neurologic 'Dry' Eye
- NO-Photophobia – When Light Hurts After Brain Injury, Migraine and Beyond
- NO-Pocket Aces: Alzheimer's & AMD How to Win the Hand Before It's Dealt
- NO-Sensory Systems and Neurodegenerative Processes
- NO-Sports EYEllustrated: Keep Your Head In The Game!
- NO-Swollen Optic Nerves from the OD to the Neuro-Ophthalmologist's Perspective
- NO-TBI/Concussion Examination Workshop for the Primary Care Practice
- NO-TBI: Visual Evaluation and Management
- NO-What a Pain! An Optometrist's Guide to Headaches
NO-Pediatric Concussion: Where have We Been and Where are We Going?
As the medical world learns more about concussion, optometry's role on the interprofessional team continues to expand. We now know a great deal about how the eyes respond to concussion, but treatment methods continue to evolve and be validated through research. In pediatric concussion, there remains little consensus on visual management. The goal of this lecture is to provide cases and preliminary literature on potential directions for management of this pressing issue that could uniquely shape optometry.
Course Code:
Aaron Salzano, O.D.
Katherine Weise, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
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Bringing the optometric community together
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