- PM-A Comprehensive Guide to the Revised EM Code Set - What We Have Learned in Six Months
- PM-Adding Cash Pay Services to your Practice
- PM-Ask the Coding Experts- A Review of the Current Top Ten Coding Questions
- PM-Building a Brand with Digital Media
- PM-CMS Medicare Coding Rules – Where, oh, Where Do I Find All the Rules
- PM-Coding Boot Camp: A Tactical Approach to Surviving an Audit
- PM-Coding Boot Camp: Basic Training through Advanced Survival Strategies
- PM-Commercial Real Estate Strategies For Optometrists
- PM-Common Eye Diseases, Clinical Practice Guidelines and Proper Coding
- PM-Contract Negotiation for New and Soon-to-be Optometrists
- PM-Dry Eyes: The Marriage Between Clinic Cases and Accurate Coding
- PM-Getting Paid for Fitting Contacts
- PM-Glaucoma Management and Accurate Coding and Billing: A Perfect Marriage
- PM-HIPAA Rules & The No Surprises Act- A practical guide for the EyeCare Office
- PM-How to Heal When You Can’t Feel – Neurotrophic Keratitis Update
- PM-Intro to Corporate Optometry Sublease
- PM-Low Vision Coding and Billing: A Fresh Look at ICD-10 and CPT 4
- PM-Maintaining Compliance with Medical Charting: Billing and Coding Update 2022
- PM-Maximizing Practice Success
- PM-New Year, New Medicare and CMS Rules 2022-2023
- PM-Population Aging & Optometric Service in Skilled Care Facilities - Part 3
- PM-Practice Transitions: How to Purchase and Sell a Practice
- PM-Preparing Financially for the First Years After Graduation
- PM-Sports Vision Series: Visual Needs For Athletes: Buying Perspective
- PM-Starting or Purchasing a Practice
- PM-Telehealth and Remote Care- What is Possible and What is NOT! It Is a Brave New World!
- PM-Things I Learned from my Dad and Also my Optometric Mentor
- PM-Three Steps To Rapid Growth in Your Optometric Practice
- PM-Understanding Diversity & Inclusion in Eye Health & Vision Care for Enhanced Compliance, Continuity of Care and Practice Growth
PM-How to Establish a Specialty Care in a Day-To-Day Practice
Optometry students are exposed to many specialized treatments during their academic career. They may develop a passion for one or another of these specialties. How do they reconcile this passion with the reality of the field when they enter practice? How can one, over the years, develop a specialized practice while being economically viable? What equipment/resources are required to succeed in this type of practice? This conference will address all of these issues and attempt to define the optometric practice of the future.
Course Code:
Langis Michaud, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
Optometry’s ‘pioneers’ come together to advance the profession
Nearly 300 optometric leaders met in the AOA’s headquarter city Jan. 30-Feb.1 to map its 2025 strategic direction.
5 things every office needs to practice full-scope optometry
Tools and tips for the modern practice.
Why thriving practices are prioritizing retirement plans
Offering a retirement plan is more than just an employee benefit; it’s a strategic move that can help your practice grow and succeed.