- SP-Getting Started with IPL (Workshop): Beginners Guide to Intense Pulse Light for On-Label Dry Eye Disease and Other Off-Label Applications for Contemporary Optometrists and Paraoptometrics
- SP-Introduction to Suturing: A Hands-On Workshop for Optometric Surgeons
- SP-Lumps and Bumps: A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Removal Techniques
- SP-Optometric Surgical Procedures for Every Optometrist
- SP-Preparing For Office-Based Surgical Procedures
SP-Coding for the Expanded Scopes of Practice
This course will review the coding for the new expanded surgical procedures that many states can now perform. This will include coding for treating and removing various types of lumps and bumps as well as coding and documentation for yag capsulotomy.
Course Code:
Rebecca Wartman, O.D.
Harvey Richman, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
How to avert an eye care crisis
A noted author and lecturer is sounding the alarm over the growing gap between the demand for eye care services and the declining number of ophthalmologists.
What happened to the FTC’s noncompete ban?
The federal rule would have prevented noncompete arrangements, common in physician employment agreements. But rule enforcement is on hold while courts review.
3 reasons to read AOA’s newest clinical practice guideline
WATCH the chair of the AOA’s Evidence-based Optometry Committee offer recommendations and clinical notes from Care of the Patient with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma, First Edition.