- SP-Coding for the Expanded Scopes of Practice
- SP-Getting Started with IPL (Workshop): Beginners Guide to Intense Pulse Light for On-Label Dry Eye Disease and Other Off-Label Applications for Contemporary Optometrists and Paraoptometrics
- SP-Lumps and Bumps: A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Removal Techniques
- SP-Optometric Surgical Procedures for Every Optometrist
- SP-Preparing For Office-Based Surgical Procedures
SP-Introduction to Suturing: A Hands-On Workshop for Optometric Surgeons
This is an introductory workshop for optometric physicians, residents, and students who have limited experience in suturing. The workshop covers instrument basics, suture types and selection, proper loading of the needle, surgical knots, local wound preparation, aftercare, and documentation.
Course Code:
Richard Castillo, O.D., D.O.
Nathaniel Castillo, O.D.
Komal Patel, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
When to consider referring for low-vision rehabilitation
This Low Vision Awareness Month—and year-round—know when to refer, how to find the right provider and other considerations to help patients maintain their quality of life.
Bringing the optometric community together
The AOA announced its new Advocacy Network Partner Program and recognized Alan Glazier, O.D., the influential founder of ODs on Facebook, as its first advocacy network partner. Read more about the doctor of optometry behind the online community.
Cutting-edge education at Optometry’s Meeting® 2025 in Minneapolis
A global audience converges on the American Heartland for unmatched learning opportunities at Optometry’s Meeting®, June 25-28, in Minneapolis.