- SP-Coding for the Expanded Scopes of Practice
- SP-Getting Started with IPL (Workshop): Beginners Guide to Intense Pulse Light for On-Label Dry Eye Disease and Other Off-Label Applications for Contemporary Optometrists and Paraoptometrics
- SP-Introduction to Suturing: A Hands-On Workshop for Optometric Surgeons
- SP-Optometric Surgical Procedures for Every Optometrist
- SP-Preparing For Office-Based Surgical Procedures
SP-Lumps and Bumps: A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Removal Techniques
Optometrists evaluate and manage eyelid and ocular adnexa lesions, including hordeolum, papillomas, nevi, basal cell carcinoma, among others, across all 50 states. This interactive lecture will provide a comprehensive and thorough review of all eyelid lesions, from the very benign to the very cancerous. The interactive part of this lecture will include Name that lesion where attendees will get to vote on what actual lesions are from patients that have presented to our clinic.
Course Code:
Nathan Lighthizer, O.D.
AOA Expiration Date:
‘What more can I do?’ Change Agents ready to advance myopia care
Nearly 3,000 doctors of optometry joined The Myopia Collective, a groundbreaking partnership by the AOA and CooperVision determined to bring about a shift in the clinical management of young patients with myopia.
Making the grade
Paraoptometric gives Remote Proctored Testing a passing grade for its convenience. Learn more about remote testing for paraoptometric certification.
Does your malpractice insurance provider measure up?
A Q&A with Kevin Johnson, program executive at Lockton Affinity, on how doctors of optometry can make sure they get the coverage they need.