CPC Lifetime Achievement Award Nomination Form

As a way to honor certified paraoptometrics, the AOA Education Center offers "The Lifetime Achievement Award." This award recognizes those who are currently certified and who have served the profession of optometry by continually giving of themselves in areas of patient eye care, office management, mentoring colleagues and in service to the paraoptometric profession.

Before completing the nomination form, please read the rules and guidelines for The Lifetime Achievement Award. Completed forms are accepted for review throughout the year.


  • Certified by the Commission on Paraoptometric Certification for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Worked as a paraoptometric for at least 15 years.
  • Dedicated personal effort and time on behalf of the profession’s advancement, such as membership in national, state and local organizations; education provider; and advocacy and legislative efforts. The nomination must be submitted to the AOA Education Center. It must receive at least three-fourths of the vote of approval by the AOA Education Center present at the time of the vote.

The nomination must be submitted by one of the following:

  • A state, regional or local paraoptometric or optometric organization.
  • An AOA member doctor of optometry.
  • An AOA associate member paraoptometric.
  • A certified paraoptometric.

When submitting the nomination, it must include the following:

  • The nomination must be submitted on the official nomination form.
  • Ancillary articles and documentation regarding professional service are welcome and will be taken into consideration by the judges.
  • A one-page letter of recommendation.
Fill out my online form.

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