Connect to The AOA Foundation
As optometry’s premier philanthropic and charitable organization, The AOA Foundation is committed to its mission to empower the optometric profession in providing awareness and access to health and vision care for the public.
Archives & Museum
The Archives & Museum of Optometry (AMO) collects, preserves, and shares materials that document the history of the profession. Our collections include historical photographs, memorabilia, publications, organizational records, manuscripts, and audiovisual media that tell the story of the American Optometric Association, its members and its allies.
InfantSEE ®
InfantSEE ® is a public health program designed to ensure that eye and vision care becomes an integral part of infant wellness care to improve a child’s quality of life. AOA InfantSEE doctors of optometry provide a comprehensive infant eye assessment within the first year of life as a no-cost public health service.
National Optometry Hall of Fame
Since 1998, the National Optometry Hall of Fame has recognized and honored doctors of optometry who are luminaries of the professions — those who have made significant and long-lasting contributions to the optometric profession.
Optometry's Fund for Disaster Relief
Through the AOA Foundation, the Optometric Disaster Relief Fund (OFDR) offers doctors of optometry financial assistance for property damages incurred to their practices from natural disasters. Donate or request a grant.
Optometric Historical Society
Through its support of the Archives and Museum of Optometry, the Optometric Historical Society (OHS) encourages the collection, preservation, and exhibition of artifacts and archival material that document the history of the profession, practice, and science of optometry and the optical industry.
Scholarships & grants
The AOA Foundation is supporting the future of the profession by offering scholarships to optometry students. Scholarships and grants range from $2,500 to $10,000 and the annual competitive awards are available to students in their third year of optometry school.
When to consider referring for low-vision rehabilitation
This Low Vision Awareness Month—and year-round—know when to refer, how to find the right provider and other considerations to help patients maintain their quality of life.
Bringing the optometric community together
The AOA announced its new Advocacy Network Partner Program and recognized Alan Glazier, O.D., the influential founder of ODs on Facebook, as its first advocacy network partner. Read more about the doctor of optometry behind the online community.
Cutting-edge education at Optometry’s Meeting® 2025 in Minneapolis
A global audience converges on the American Heartland for unmatched learning opportunities at Optometry’s Meeting®, June 25-28, in Minneapolis.