MOA Great Lakes Eyecare Conference (GLEC)

Sponsored by: Michigan Optometric Association

May 19 - 20, 2022
Detroit Marriot at the Renaissance Center
Detroit, Michigan

The MOA 2022 Great Lakes Eyecare Conference (GLEC) will take place on May 19 - 20, 2022 at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center. GLEC will offer up to 14 CE hours for optometrist and 12 CE hours for paraoptometric professionals. The MOA will once again be offering the opportunity to attend the state required 2-hour Implicit Bias Training on Friday afternoon. We will also host an exhibit hall offering the latest and most relevant products, technologies, therapeutics and services, and an evening social event aboard the beautiful Detroit Princess Riverboat.

14 hours

Speakers :
Dr. Nate Lighthizer,
Dr. Anthony DeWilde,
Dr. Clark Chang,
Dr. William Tullo,
Dr. Valerie Kattouf,
Dr. Ron Melton,
Dr. Randall Thomas,
Ashton Henderson, MA, MBA

Implicit Bias Training
Keratoconus Management
Myopia Control
2-part Eye Care Update
Biologics in Eyecare
IPL Therapy