Oregon's Meeting 2022
Sponsored by: Oregon Optometric Physicians Association
Macular Pigment and Clinical Relevance to Visual Function and Disease Management
Role of Retinal Imaging in Neurodegenerative Disorders
Preventative Medicine and Systemic Disease Management
Dabbling in the Retinal Occult
Optic Nerve and Visual Fields Grand Rounds
Go With the Flow An OCT Angiography Primer
New or Noteworthy: Innovations in anterior segment disease management
The judicious referral: how to know when to send to the specialist
Cataract Surgery with co-existing retinal conditions. When to pause and when to proceed.
Cornea Mixed Bag: Pterygia, Nodules, and Cross-linking
Social activities include golf and wine tasting.
Speaker Name(s):
Drs. Sara Lucas, Chris Putnam, Lorne Yudcovitch, Bob Mans, Doug Walker, Aaron Bronner, Oliver Kuhn-Wilken, Ami Halvorson and Bryan Edgington
Credit Hours Available: