Accommodative dysfunction

Accommodative dysfunction is an eye-focusing problem resulting in blurred vision—up close and/or far away— frequently found in children or adults who have extended near-work demand.
Accommodative Dysfunction

One of the visual skills necessary for visual information processing for near- centered tasks–such as reading of screens/ computers/phones and paper (books). The ability to look from near to far quickly without any blur at distance or near.

Causes & risk factors

  • Often due to the inability to use the two eyes properly–binocular vision function (with little effort for each eye and both working together).
  • Visual demand increasing.
  • Blurring unable to focus may occur and be related to prolonged visually demanding near centered tasks, without proper ergonomics (etc. lighting posture and taking breaks 20/20/20 rule).


  • The inability to look from near to far quickly without any blur at distance or near.
  • Transient blurred vision.
  • Abnormal postural adaptations (too close or too far away / working distance).
  • Visual stress/headaches/decreased comprehension of material.
  • Inconsistent work productivity/diminished accuracy.
  • Avoidance of visually demanding tasks.
  • Blur at distance after performing near work.
  • Distractibility while performing tasks- inconsistent/inaccurate visual attention concentration or awareness.
  • Fatigue/ movement illusory.


  • Comprehensive Eye health and vision examination.
  • Patient History – complaints/symptoms.
  • Binocular evaluation of sustenance visual abilities.


  • Improve sustenance visual abilities/processing to look from near to far- Optometric Vision therapy/ Vision Enhancement procedures with lenses and prisms- treatments in and out of the office.
  • Glasses or Contact lenses to correct an undetected refractive error- (two Rx’s may be necessary for one pair of glasses or CLs- antifatigue RX).


Comprehensive eye health and vision examination.

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