- Acanthamoeba
- Accommodative Dysfunction
- Amblyopia
- Astigmatism
- Blepharitis
- Cataract
- Chalazion
- Color Vision Deficiency
- Computer Vision Syndrome
- Concussions
- Conjunctivitis
- Convergence Insufficiency
- Corneal Abrasion
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Dry Eye
- Eye Coordination
- Floaters & Spots
- Glaucoma
- Hordeolum
- Hyperopia
- Keratitis
- Keratoconus
- Macular Degeneration
- Migraine with Aura
- Myokymia
- Myopia
- Nystagmus
- Ocular Allergies
- Ocular Hypertension
- Ocular Migraine
- Pinguecula
- Presbyopia
- Pterygium
- Ptosis
- Retinal Detachment
- Retinoblastoma
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Strabismus
- Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
- Vision-Related Learning Problems
Anterior uveitis

Causes & risk factors
Anterior uveitis can result from a trauma to the eye, such as being hit in the eye or having a foreign body in the eye. It can also be associated with general health problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, tuberculosis, sarcoid, viral (herpes simplex, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus) or idiopathic, which is no obvious underlying cause.
- Red, sore and inflamed eye.
- Blurred vision.
- Sensitivity to light.
- Small, or irregular-shaped pupil.
The symptoms of anterior uveitis can be similar to those of other eye conditions. Therefore, a doctor of optometry will carefully examine the front and inside of the eye with a unique microscope using high magnification. A doctor of optometry may also perform or arrange for other diagnostic tests to help pinpoint the cause.
- Prescription eye drops, which dilate the pupils, in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. Dilating drops will blur vision and increase light sensitivity. However, by relaxing the iris muscles, the eye will be much more comfortable. The treatment takes several days or—in some cases—several weeks. Never discontinue medications early as this could result in a rapid reoccurrence of the uveitis.
- If the condition does not respond well to prescription drops, injections of steroid medications just under the outer tissue of the eye may be needed.
- Occasionally, oral steroid medications will be used.
Anterior uveitis in an otherwise healthy individual cannot be prevented since often the cause is not known. However, in persons with auto-immune diseases, taking care of those conditions can lead to better health for the body, including the eyes. To prevent serious complications, including permanent loss of some or all vision, early diagnosis and proper treatment is essential.
If untreated, glaucoma, cataract or retinal edema can develop and cause permanent loss of vision. Anterior has been called iritis. Anterior uveitis usually responds well to treatment; however, the condition tends to recur.

Acanthamoeba is one of the most common organisms in the environment. Although it rarely causes infection, when it does occur, it can threaten your vision.

Accommodative dysfunction
Accommodative dysfunction is an eye-focusing problem resulting in blurred vision—up close and/or far away— frequently found in children or adults who have extended near-work demand.

Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Amblyopia—also known as lazy eye—is the loss or lack of development of clear vision in one or both eyes.