Membership Categories

Doctors of optometry

Practicing in the U.S or federal services

If you are a doctor of optometry working in the U.S., you can apply for membership in the AOA and your affiliated association or state association here. 

Become a doctor of optometry member

Practicing in another country

As an optometrist* who resides in a foreign country or a territory of the U.S., you can apply for AOA international membership.

Become an international optometrist member

Future doctors of optometry (students)

If you are a student at an ACOE-accredited optometry school, apply here for membership in the AOA, the American Optometric Student Association and a state association or affiliate.

Become a student member

Optometric staff

All paraoptometrics/optometric staff of AOA-member doctors may become AOA associate members and have access to all current Paraoptometric Resource Center (PRC) member benefits and services. Join by visiting the “Manage Staff” section in MyAOA under the doctor’s login and profile, and enter information for each staff person (non-doctor). Required information includes: legal name of staff (as it appears on driver's license), date of birth and unique email for each person. 

Become a paraoptometric member

Research scientists

Join the AOA as a research scientist member (not a doctor of optometry) if you hold a Ph.D. degree or are a Ph.D. student and employed by a school or college of optometry that is accredited or pre-accredited by ACOE.

Become a research scientist member

Non-doctors of optometry with a substantial interest in optometry

Are you not a doctor of optometry, but have a significant interest in the profession? Do you contribute to the advancement of the interests of the AOA? If so, join the AOA today as a public member!  As a reminder, optometric staff of AOA-member doctors of optometry may become AOA associate members and have access to all current Paraoptometric Resource Center (PRC) member benefits and services.  There is no cost to the paraoptometric and is included in the cost of the doctor’s membership.

Become a public member

Need help? 

Send us a live chat or text! Access the chat feature in the lower right area of your screen during normal business hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m. CT).

The AOA Member Resource Center can also be reached via email message or at 800.365.2219. 

To learn more about the AOA and the official descriptions of all membership options, please review the AOA’s Constitution and Bylaws

*Optometrist is as defined by the World Council of Optometry (WCO).  

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