Third Party
Town hall draws hundreds as AOA and affiliate advocacy earns back millions
AOA and affiliate advocacy wins result in nearly $3 million retrieved on behalf of doctors of optometry in 2024. Read how the AOA and affiliates are fighting for fairness. They were updated at a profession-wide, live-streamed town hall on Oct. 29.

AOA to update profession on health, vision plan advocacy efforts
Register now for this must-attend town hall event on Oct. 29. The last town hall drew over 700 attendees.

VSP warned on campus misinformation, efforts to divide the profession
Optometry schools and students to be alerted to possible new attacks and false information on optometry’s advocacy priorities.

Talk of the townhall: Doctors view plan abuses as threat to doctor-patient relationship and quality care
Forum on reimbursement and coverage fairness advocacy produces fresh reports of plan-imposed barriers and support for mobilization for tough new laws, stronger enforcement and close government scrutiny of the vision plan industry.

Overpower Payer Issues

Speak out on reimbursement and coverage fairness advocacy
Final hours to register for tonight’s virtual townhall Zoom session at 9 p.m. ET to speak out against vision plan abuses, assess 2023 legislative and regulatory gains, and help build support for policy change.

AOA, state affiliate tracking California lawsuit alleging VSP monopolistic practices
Mirroring some of the AOA’s longstanding agitation over vision plans’ abuses, the Sept. 26 lawsuit by Total Vision LLC (and Total Vision, P.C.) alleges unfair competition, monopolization, tying and intentional interference with prospective business relations. Total Vision LLC supports 59 independent practices in California.

When getting paid will cost you
Recent reports suggest over half of medical practices are compelled to pay fees for electronic payments—how the AOA’s Third Party Center advocates for fair payment practices and advises on these plan policies.

Optometry’s wins over abusive vision plans stacking up
The AOA and affiliates in Illinois and Georgia score wins against vision plan abuses in a year in which doctors of optometry are making inroads across the country. When all else failed, including talks with the plans and appeals to one state’s insurance commissioner, affiliates did the hard work of helping push through bills in their legislatures that address the abuses.

What defines the value of care we provide?
Health and vision plans have not adapted and grown with the care we deliver but hold back optometry’s momentum.

AOA survey finds discrimination by health and vision plans
The AOA has long championed nondiscrimination against doctors of optometry. The survey of doctors of optometry and AOA affiliates gathered responses from 47 of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia.