AOA officers resolve to make 2022 most successful year yet

December 29, 2021
From advancing scope of practice to fighting Medicare fee reductions—AOA officers share their goals for the New Year.
AOA officers resolve to make 2022 most successful year yet

With 2022 stirring ahead of us, members of the AOA Board of Trustees look back and forward simultaneously. They look back to celebrate advocacy victories and consider lessons learned. And they look forward to victories to come and expanded scope in the future, in concert with affiliates and other partners.

Below, AOA officers reflect on the challenges—and AOA wins—ahead as they resolve to make the New Year a fruitful one.

President Robert C. Layman, O.D.

“For 2022, my resolution is to fully support the AOA as it tirelessly works to reduce barriers to access optometric care, equips members to thrive in a dynamic health care environment with tools for practice success, advances the public’s awareness of our high-value care, and allocates resources to advance scope of practice. All doctors of optometry should aim to practice to the fullest extent permitted, as we elevate the importance and value of the life-changing care we deliver every day.”

President-elect James P. DeVleming, O.D.

“I resolve to work with the Board of Trustees, committees, staff and affiliates to make 2022 our most successful year ever when it comes to expanding scope, patient protection, children’s vision and any other legislation that helps our patients be as healthy as possible and strengthens optometry’s position as the primary eye care providers for the nation. We are great and only getting better!”

Vice President Ronald L. Benner, O.D.

“For 2022, my resolutions and commitments are to continue to evolve the AOA as a member-centric organization that elevates the profession; assists our membership in the struggles of today’s practice challenges; and sees victories in the battles for patient access and fair payments. No matter the modality of practice or practice setting, every doctor of optometry should be able to practice to the fullest extent of their training and get paid for the work performed the same as any other medical professional.”

Secretary-Treasurer Steven T. Reed, O.D.

“My 2021 New Year's resolution is to continue down the pathway of contemporary optometry. As our profession changes, it is vitally important that we continue to fight for scope expansion, that every doctor practices at the highest level of their license and that we are further positioned as key providers in the overall health of our patients. We must also promote education and training to the valuable paraoptometrics who serve alongside us each day. A successful practice in the future will think team-based versus doctor-based.”

Immediate Past President William T. Reynolds, O.D.

“My 2022 New Year’s resolution is to continue to advocate for the profession in Washington, D.C., and around the country. On the federal level, we must continue to fight against Medicare fee reductions and against the overreach of the Federal Trade Commission and other federal agencies while advancing our legislative agenda with the DOC Access Act and our robocall bill. On a state level, we will continue to advance scope of practice to allow every doctor of optometry to practice to the fullest level of their training, while continuing to fight the unfair practices of vision plans and for every child to get the comprehensive care they deserve.”

The AOA wishes all its members, volunteers and affiliates good health and warm tidings this holiday season, and may the New Year hold brighter opportunities.

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