Eye Deserve More highlights power of the eye at groundbreaking NYC pop-up

Technology has become a nonnegotiable part of people’s daily lives, shaping how we work, communicate and entertain ourselves. Research has shown that 77% of Americans find it essential to have the latest technology and gadgets, and 49% of people feel like they need to install daily updates on their personal phone. However, while many people prioritize upgrading their tech devices, they often overlook the importance of maintaining their most advanced tech—their eyes.
When you compare the latest smartphones, which have 8 GB of RAM, 48 megapixels and 4K retina display, to the human visual system translated into tech specs—2.5 million GB of RAM, 576 megapixels and 14K retina display—it helps put into perspective just how impressive our eyes are.
To ensure Americans receive the comprehensive, in-person care from an AOA doctor of optometry that they deserve, the AOA launched The Eye: an educational prototype that draws parallels between the latest technology on the market and the advanced power of our eyes. Through impressive specs and an innovative design, The Eye conveys the incredible complexity of the human visual system and the importance of seeing an optometrist who understands and assesses all of these advanced functions.
“Our Eye Deserve More campaign and The Eye serve as powerful reminders that our eyes are one of the most valuable assets we have,” says AOA Trustee Belinda R. Starkey, O.D. “We wanted a way to intrigue people, and then challenge them to rethink the way they obsess over the latest and greatest smartphones, computers and tablets, but often neglect the most advanced tech they already possess.”
“With the increasing reliance on technology and people spending more time on their screens, educating consumers about the importance of incorporating regular eye exams into their routines, just as they update and maintain their tech devices, is crucial. As primary eye care providers, we have an opportunity to show how integrating just a few simple practices, such as regular breaks and ergonomic adjustments, can help patients enjoy the benefits of technology without compromising their eye health and overall well-being.”
Changing Americans’ perspective: The Eye’s immersive experience
To launch The Eye and this year’s Eye Deserve More campaign, the AOA is kicking off with several activations, including a multi-day pop-up event open to the general public in New York City from August 23-25 at 39 Wooster St., New York, NY, 10013. This immersive and interactive experience will be intricately designed to help visitors understand the remarkable technology within their eyes. Through engaging exhibits and activities, attendees will gain a deeper appreciation for their eye health.
The campaign features a series of digital ads, dynamic social media content, as well as a new, sophisticated splash page where visitors can interact with the digital tool, get an in-depth look at the features within the human eye system and point to the specific components that informed the design. The site features a prominent message to schedule an AOA doctor appointment as the best way to take care of this impressive tech. The AOA also is engaging notable tech influencers, media and eye health leaders to help spread awareness at the launch event and beyond.
Eye Deserve More: Building on the momentum
When it comes to eye health, Eye Deserve More continues to inspire action year over year by showing the benefits of in-person care.
At the top of the year, the AOA released a significant report to shed light on the impact of excessive screen time for Americans—not just to their vision, but also their health, productivity and wallets— and how yearly exams with an optometrist can help. Through facts, stats and tips, the AOA reached nearly 350 million people, giving them the tools to continue using screens while keeping their eyes healthy.
And when the world looked up from their screens to the sky, AOA established member doctors as trusted experts in the cultural conversation amid the solar eclipse. As parents prepare to send their children back to school, AOA President Steven T. Reed, O.D., participated in a satellite media tour speaking to broadcast, radio and online media outlets across the country about the importance of eye exams with a doctor of optometry to ensure classroom success. More than 485 placements have gone live, reaching an audience of more than 512 million.
Join Eye Deserve More
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