When to consider referring for low-vision rehabilitation
This Low Vision Awareness Month—and year-round—know when to refer, how to find the right provider and other considerations to help patients maintain their quality of life.

Bringing the optometric community together
The AOA announced its new Advocacy Network Partner Program and recognized Alan Glazier, O.D., the influential founder of ODs on Facebook, as its first advocacy network partner. Read more about the doctor of optometry behind the online community.

Cutting-edge education at Optometry’s Meeting® 2025 in Minneapolis
A global audience converges on the American Heartland for unmatched learning opportunities at Optometry’s Meeting®, June 25-28, in Minneapolis.

Optometry’s ‘pioneers’ come together to advance the profession
Nearly 300 optometric leaders met in the AOA’s headquarter city Jan. 30-Feb.1 to map its 2025 strategic direction.

AOA drives national discourse on optometry and importance of in-person eye care
This year, the AOA has generated more than 5B impressions from 2.5K earned media placements, including CNN, FOX News, U.S. News & World Report, CNET, USA Today and more. A recent New York Times article was yet another opportunity for the AOA to be part of and influence the discourse.
Research on eye aberrations not abstract to award-winning scientists
For the sixth consecutive year, the AOA is sponsoring the Investigator Initiated Research Award. Investigators are invited to electronically submit proposals by June 15 for projects designed to increase knowledge through basic clinical and/or translational science related to the continuum of eye and vision care. Jason Marsack, Ph.D., talks about the work he and his collaborators are currently pursuing in the laboratory.
Why optometrists love the AOA Business Card
Some large practices have generated $36,000 back in rewards annually, while smaller practices benefit with no annual fee or personal liability.

Town hall draws hundreds as AOA and affiliate advocacy earns back millions
AOA and affiliate advocacy wins result in nearly $3 million retrieved on behalf of doctors of optometry in 2024. Read how the AOA and affiliates are fighting for fairness. They were updated at a profession-wide, live-streamed town hall on Oct. 29.

'All the advocacy firepower’ called up at AOA on Capitol Hill
Over 500 AOA doctors and optometry students championed the profession’s priority issues in Washington, D.C., including a growing Congressional focus on vision plan abuses.
AOA Focus