Preparing for the End of the Federal Student Loan Interest Holiday

November 29, 2021
Laurel Road – AOAExcel’s endorsed partner for student loan refinancing – shares the steps AOA members should take to prepare for the end of the Federal Student Loan Interest Holiday.
Gradually increasing stacks of coins leading up to a large jar of coins with a graduation cap, indicating student loan payments.

The Federal Student Loan Interest Holiday is set to expire on January 31st, 2022. Laurel Road suggests that AOA members with federal student loans take the following steps to prepare:

  1. Check federal loan balance(s) and plan to begin making payments again.
  2. Check current interest rates and compare them to what you’re paying now.
  3. Re-strategize your repayment plan as needed.

To learn more about how to best take these steps and prepare yourself for the end of the Federal Student Loan Interest Holiday, read Laurel Road’s article “Are you ready for the end of the Student Loan Federal Interest Holiday?”.

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