Coding and Reimbursement
Coding and reimbursement is designed to educate doctors and staff on medical recordkeeping and documentation, compliance and coding. The guidance received by the coding experts will support doctors and staff in providing the best possible patient care while ensuring accurate reimbursements are received.
Resources and support provided to AOA members include advisory and educational information related to:
- Accurate choices of procedure and diagnosis codes for eye care.
- Understanding and preparing for payer audits of patient care and coding.
- Changes in Medicare and coding policies.
- ICD-10 preparation and conversion.
Online coding resources available for AOA members
AOA Coding Today is an online, comprehensive database that contains information in real time for CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS coding and research. The website is tailored specifically to optometry, assisting doctors and staff in correct reimbursement and compliance, and has an easy-to-use code diagnosis ability based on region. Utilize AOACodingToday as a free, member resource to assist you immediately with your coding questions.
Interested in learning more about coding and reimbursement issues and how they impact you, watch these webinars.
AOA Coding Today: Your Ultimate Coding Resource
Ask AOA - Coding for Social Determinants of Health in Optometry
Ask AOA - Coding for Major Eye Diseases - Diabetic Eye Disease
Proper Documentation and Why it Matters
Purchase AOA Codes for Optometry
Ask the Coding Experts
If you have any questions regarding medical records and coding submit the form below.
ICD-10 Webinars and Resources
2024 Evaluation and Management Codes and Their Descriptors
Vision Therapy and Neuro-Rehabilitation: Optometric Considerations in Third Party Reimbursement.
Medical Records and Coding
Modifier - 25: How to Use it Appropriately and Avoid Costly Penalties (October 2023)
Coding for Orthoptic Training (September 2023)
Why Proper Documentation is Vital (June/July 2023)
How and When to Code for Social Determinants of Health (March/April 2023)
2 Points to Keep in Mind When Patients Decline Dilation (January/February 2023)
The Future of Audio-only Reimbursement: What You Need to Know (November/December 2022)
Virtual 'Check-in' Codes (September/October 2022)
Coding for Presbyopia Eye Drops (July/August 2022)
MIPS: What Doctors Should Know (May/June 2022)
MIPS Quality Measure Update (March/April 2022)
Coding and Contact Lens Safety (January/February 2022)
When to consider referring for low-vision rehabilitation
This Low Vision Awareness Month—and year-round—know when to refer, how to find the right provider and other considerations to help patients maintain their quality of life.
Bringing the optometric community together
The AOA announced its new Advocacy Network Partner Program and recognized Alan Glazier, O.D., the influential founder of ODs on Facebook, as its first advocacy network partner. Read more about the doctor of optometry behind the online community.
Cutting-edge education at Optometry’s Meeting® 2025 in Minneapolis
A global audience converges on the American Heartland for unmatched learning opportunities at Optometry’s Meeting®, June 25-28, in Minneapolis.